Thursday, 16 January 2025

Mayor & TfL launch new plan to tackle freight deliveries in the capital

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and TfL have unveiled a new plan to transform how deliveries are made throughout the capital, reducing road danger and helping to clean up London’s toxic air.

A key part of the plan includes offering more click and collect points at tube stations, with Tfl making land available for micro-distribution centres in key locations to support sustainable last mile deliveries to neighbourhoods across the city, including by bike. Online sales have doubled since 2012, with between 200,000-400,000 personal deliveries made to offices in central London every day.

Movements of goods vehicles in the capital have increased by around 20% since 2010, contributing to poor air quality, congestion and road danger. Lorries and vans account for one fifth of road traffic in London, and about one third in central London during the morning peak.

TfL research shows that heavy goods vehicles are involved in 63% of fatal collisions with cyclists, and 25% of fatal collisions with pedestrians, despite making up only 4% of the miles driven in the capital. Lorries and vans also account for around a third of all nitrogen oxide emissions in the city, having a damaging impact on the health of Londoners.

The Mayor’s Freight and Servicing Action plan aims to reduce the number of lorries and vans entering central London during the morning peak by 10% by 2026.

The plan also includes the launch of the Ultra Low Emission Zone in central London next month, which will implement stricter exhaust emission standards for most vehicles, including cars and lorries, while supporting boroughs in introducing local zero emission zones.

The world’s first Direct Vision Standard for HGVs is also part of the Mayor’s new plan, with the first permits under the scheme to be issued later this year.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, said: “Freight in essential for London’s economy but for our future health and prosperity we need to be smarter about how we manage the millions of van and lorry journeys each week. By creating a pan-London network of micro-distribution centres and rolling out innovative click and collect points at more tube stations, we will enable more commuters to collect packages near their home – helping to reduce congestion across our city.

“Together with the introduction of our world-leading Direct Vision Standard and supporting businesses to switch to electric vans and cargo bikes, we will make freight more efficient while also reducing road danger and cleaning up London’s toxic air.”

Cllr Julian Bell, London Council’s Executive member for Transport and Environment, added: “As London’s population and economy grows, so does the need for efficient transportation of goods and services. We welcome the Freight and Servicing Plan, which sets out a much-needed collaborative approach for the better planning and management of freight and servicing for the capital.

“Boroughs look forward to working closely with TfL on this, particularly on addressing the safety and environmental impact of heavy goods vehicles through initiatives such as the proposed Direct Vision Standard and encouraging last mile deliveries by cycle freight.”