ACT work with Welsh Gov to develop apprenticeship pathway for mechanics
News from the ACT this week highlights work underway with The Welsh Government and the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI), along with the ACT’s training provider partner Activate Cycle Academy, to develop an apprenticeship pathway for Bicycle Mechanics, which will also include e-bike maintenance.
Funded isn’t currently available for this training route, in Wales, so this initiative represents a potentially great addition to the Welsh cycles trade, offering more opportunities for cycle businesses to hire and train quality bike technicians.
To support the apprenticeship pathway, the IMI have been working with industry stakeholders to develop National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Cycle Maintenance and Repair, to include e-bikes.
- The NOS describe what an individual in a certain role should be able to do and the knowledge and understanding they need.
- Companies can use National Occupational Standards to help design in-house training, on-the-job coaching, or performance management systems.
These Cycle Maintenance and Repair NOS, for which the draft version can be seen here, are now ready for experts to review, and provide feedback. **You do not have to be based in Wales to do this.**
March 13th 2022 is the closing date for the wider consultation phase – please follow the link here to give feedback.
To discuss anything about the project please contact Caroline Harris at the IMI – [email protected]
To help securing funding provision for the apprenticeship, the ACT are assisting in gauging the level of demand for this apprenticeship within Wales from Welsh-based retailers, workshops and other businesses involved in the industry. If your business is based in Wales please express your interest in this apprenticeship by completing the survey here.
There are a range of diversity projects currently working to bring new people into the industry, including both Bike for Good cycle charity in Glasgow, and Broken Spoke Bike Coop in Oxford (who) launched cycle mechanic training and mentorship programmes aimed at women and non- binary folks after realising that, while in theory anyone can apply for a mechanic role, in reality many people didn’t feel welcome to. To find out more about other initiatives like this, click here.