Monday, 17 February 2025

Cycling Embassy GB offers Transport Minister assistance in understanding barriers to cycling with AGM invite

Following a largely unproductive performance at Monday’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy inquiry, the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain has invited DfT minister Robert Goodwill to its AGM in July.

Penning this open letter to Goodwill, the Embassy now seeks to assist Goodwill in better understanding the barriers to cycling in the UK.

Sally Hinchcliffe of the Embassy said: “We at the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain were like many others shocked that such uninformed views could still be articulated by a minister who has now been responsible for cycling since late 2013. The evidence is clear that if we want to see greater diversity in cycling then we have to focus on the environment we are asking people to cycle in. At our AGM in Cambridge we’ll be exploring one part of the UK that has achieved a better gender balance and we’re looking forward to seeing how the environment begins to address this.”

The AGM takes place in Cambridge on the weekend of July 16th/17th, with further detail found here.

Earlier this month the Cycling Embassy launched a website dubbed Cycling Fallacies, a portal designed to address common myths about cycling and sharing the explanations we feel best counter them.