Saturday, 15 February 2025

Madison support ‘Investors in Cycling’, focused on growing Local Bicycle Economy

Madison has pledged its support to the growing industry initiative ‘Investors in Cycling’, The Bicycle Association’s (BA) programme promoting the growth of cycling through advocacy.  

The Milton Keynes distributor’s participation is another boost for the BA’s burgeoning portfolio of projects delivered on behalf of the UK cycling industry, including it’s ‘Growing the Local Bicycle Economy’ project. Already mobilised in London, this project brings local industry and advocacy partners together to make the economic case for cycling and secure infrastructure investment, and the BA aims to roll this project out to new regions in 2022 with support from Investors in Cycling. 

Dominic Langan, Madison CEO, said: “The next few years are going to be key in determining the future shape of the cycle industry and we support the advocacy objectives of the BA. I have always been keen to have the specialist retailer network also jointly involved, as they play such an important role, especially at a local and grass roots level. Only through working in partnership, with one voice, will we be able to sway local and central government decisions towards making the bold infrastructure investment needed to grow cycling and all the benefits that would deliver for everyone.” 

Last week Tern Bicycles likewise pledged its support to the initiative, bolstering its position as a long-term friend of global cycling advocacy efforts.

David Middlemiss, BA Associate Director, added: “Investors in Cycling are working together to grow the cycling market so to have the support of Madison is an extremely important moment for us. This investment helps us make the unique industrial case for cycling with decision makers at the local level, the key battleground in the coming years. Winning there will provide the conditions for growth in the UK cycling market for the benefit of everyone in the sector”.

The Bicycle Association launched its first Local Bicycle Economy project in London in November 2021 with the publication of a report indicating an economic dividend of nearly £5 billion a year and the creation of 25,000 new green jobs in the bicycle sector in the capital. Proving the economic value of cycling at this level is something the BA aims to do across the country in the months and years ahead. 

About Investors in Cycling 

Investors in Cycling in a nationwide programme to unite and recognise bike businesses across the UK which support the growth of cycling through advocacy. Over 1,100 bike businesses are being recognised as Investors in Cycling from the largest global brands to the smallest retailers. All are businesses which in one way or another support the industry’s collective advocacy work, led by the Bicycle Association on behalf of the UK cycling industry.