SQ Lab adds cockpit versatility and watts savings with Innerbarends
One Way Distribution has lifted the lid on a unique new SQ Lab innovation for the cockpit, “Innerbarends”, a solution that positions the elbows against the torso and slightly stretches the riding position forward creating both an aerodynamic and biomechanical advantage which brings a full 5% of measurable power output savings.
SQ Lab founder Toby Hild has been instrumental in testing the idea and says of the product: “Bar ends originated in the early days of mountain biking and were required to be mounted to the outer ends of the handlebars. From an ergonomic perspective this is a very good idea, although in the course of time, as straight bars became less favoured and sales of riser bars increased, bar ends slowly disappeared. But now, as mountain bike bars have once again become lower and wider, bar ends make sense again. The big difference is that SQlab mounts the bar ends inwards of the grips, thus the contradictory name, Innerbarends.”
Internal studies on the track have shown that test riders using Innerbarends can ride the same distance in the same time but using 14 Watts less than those riders without Innerbarends. Test riders included Tibor Simai, the CEP Racing Team and Slab’s founder, Toby Hild himself. They rode 10 laps of the track with a constant speed (36 km/h). To record the data, SRM provided two power meters. On average, the riders required 293 Watts without Innerbarends versus 279 Watts with Innerbarends.
Despite the different hand position, which somewhat resembles that of an aerobar the brake levers always remain in reach. Innerbarends fit most bikes and are mounted directly adjacent and inwards of the grips. As most brake levers are long enough, for best brake performance it’s recommended that they are mounted inboard of the shifters as there is usually sufficient space between grips and shifter / brake lever for mounting.
Weighing in at 108 grams a pair, Innerbarends are available to order via the distributor now and will retail at €39.95.