Wednesday, 12 February 2025

UK bike trade invited to make trade tariffs case as Government opens up post Brexit consultation

A trade tariff consultation running until March of 2018 has now been opened up by the UK Government.

UK bicycle parts manufacturers and importers in particular may want to have a say on the open consultation, which seeks to address what tariffs will be appropriate to have in place once Britain has left the European Union.

As it stands, the UK Government intends to strike a deal that will enable the country to stay in a customs union until the conclusion of the proposed transition period post Brexit. That process, it is expected, could draw its conclusion by March of 2021 at the latest.

Alternative outcomes are of course possible, with a possible separation from the customs union not ruled out by March of 2019, should a much-feared ‘no deal’ outcome come to fruition.

Those tariffs in the spotlight for the bicycle business include the AD 247 measure on pedal bicycles from China, as well as the currently under investigation complaint EU AD 463, relating to electric bikes shipped from China.

The investigation currently underway has seen a fierce war of words between Chinese businesses and the European Bicycle Manufacturer’s Association, which submitted a dumping complaint to the European Commission earlier this year claiming damage to European manufacturers. The complaint made has been strenuously fought by Chinese businesses which have begun picking apart certain claims.

Once the UK leaves the EU Customs Union existing anti-dumping duties would cease to apply should the UK opt not to carry forward the new trade remedies framework, according to the Bicycle Association of GB.

Opinions on both sides of the fence on tariffs are welcomed as part of the consultation, though those submitting must be able to demonstrate that they represent a certain share of the market.