Thursday, 13 February 2025

ABUS and London Cycling Campaign join forces to tackle London bike thefts

Charity and cycle campaigning organisation London Cycling Campaign (LCC) and bicycle security firm ABUS are developing a partnership aimed at tackling London bike thefts and raising awareness of theft prevention measures.

ABUS will also be providing insight and data to the ongoing LCC Europe-wide research on best practice to deter cycle theft. LCC has been campaigning for better prevention and enforcement of bike theft for decades. This represents a critical barrier to the mayor’s aim of increasing cycle trips by a third by 2030.

Bike theft barrier to cycle numbers

25% of London’s population are cyclists. Of the remainder, only 15% are attempting to cycle. One of the biggest barriers, just below road safety and fear of injury, is fear of bike theft. Every year 18,500 thefts are reported to the police, but the real figure is estimated to be nearer 70,000 and that doesn’t include burglaries from homes and sheds. Of the people who have bikes stolen, 62% stop cycling or cycle less often.

Availability of secure storage also contributes to reducing cycle theft. More than 3,000 secure cycle hangars (each with capacity for six bikes) have been installed on London streets with London’s Mayor committed to delivering a further 2,000. LCC also wants the mayor to deliver the 36,000 on-street cycle parking spaces (two spaces per hoop-type bike stand) that his Cycle Parking Implementation Plan said were needed immediately.

Tom Fyans, Chief Executive, London Cycling Campaign, said: “Cycle theft and fear of theft stop people cycling which undermines the work of both LCC and the London mayor to promote cycle use and reduce car dependency. Working with a leading lock maker like ABUS will enable LCC to develop anti-theft strategies, improve enforcement and assist cycle owners in protecting their property.”

Peter Romanov, Managing Director, ABUS UK Ltd, added: “London isn’t just the capital of the United Kingdom; it is also sadly the capital of UK cycle crime. By joining forces with London Cycling Campaign, ABUS hopes to help support the continued growth of cycling in London and work to reduce bicycle theft – a win-win situation for the whole city.”

Aside from tackling London bike thefts, ABUS recently shook up its UK distribution arrangements, with Upgrade Bikes and Bob Elliott now sharing distribution duties to the UK trade.