“The Euro Mobility Festival has huge potential”
The build up to this year’s Euro Mobility Festival is well underway and the show – which runs alongside Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental – is consolidating has plenty of potential to grow according to Albert Balcells, CEO of Ocisport, the company organising the event.
Held in Girona on the same dates and at the same venue as Sea Otter Europe and, the Euro Mobility Festival is now in its third year
Balcells said: “More brands linked to the automotive world are joining in too. We have shown that they have a way to grow and make themselves known to new customers.
“There were already many brands that came to exhibit and had an urban mobility oriented division. But within Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental they were more like sports brands. In that respect there was no problem. Brands solely focused on urban mobility did not seem to fit in with the more sporty character of Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental. But the Euro Mobility Festival arrived and they started to have their own space, with their own communication and with the capacity to reach the public they are looking for. They have more visibility and prominence.”
“Users know that they will find bikes, technology, different forms of mobility… and we have agreements with organisations focused on urban mobility. These are new players far removed from the sporting world of cycling. That’s why more brands linked to the automotive world are joining in too. We have shown that they have a way to grow and make themselves known to new customers.”
This year’s Euro Mobility Festival will include a mix of brands exclusive to mobility as well as those who straddle different sectors: “Some are very specific to the world of mobility, but there are others where mobility is a part of their products. So you will find a large platform of urban bikes. From cargo bikes, bikes to take the kids to school, personal mobility vehicles, batteries, apps, safety issues… everything from the complementary industry to the world of sustainable mobility. The aim is to offer urban mobility solutions.”
“At Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona by Continental there is some stabilisation, but at the Euro Mobility Festival we are offering many new opportunities. The target audience is much larger. Right now the two events complement each other very well.”
Ocisport has always been associated with sporting events – its list of organised events includes the MTB World Cup in Andorra, among the dozens of competitions it manages year after year. Now they have a new audience. “Every year we see more and more people coming to the trade fair looking for mobility solutions. These are people who might never have come to SOE for the sporting side of things. It is common to see how someone who is recruited through urban mobility ends up joining the sporting side of cycling. So we also see the event as a way to recruit new future athletes.”
The Euro Mobility Festival will take place on 20th-21st-22nd September 2024
information: www.euromobilityfestival.com & www.seaottereurope.com