Monday, 10 February 2025

CI.N 2021 Retail Study goes live, shops handed incentives to participate

Cycling Industry News’ fourth annual Retail Study has today gone live, once again offering those UK-based independent stores and workshops participating a range of goods and incentives to be revealed in the coming weeks. If you are a UK-based independent retailer or workshop you may now participate here.

Building on the 2020 report, which in January was published in an easy to digest 43-page digital format, the 2021 instalment builds on our learnings and adapts its line of questioning in line with what has been an anomalous year for the bike business. Covid aside, our revised questioning expands upon the many trend changes that became evident in the existing findings, something that has informed our editorial throughout the year to date.

Cycling Industry News Editor Mark Sutton explains why this market research has become an important pillar for both the retailer and supplier’s understanding of the market’s evolution: “Our 2020 research felt like it made an impact in the market with its detailed line of questioning, both for the independent retailer and the suppliers who serve them. It was heartening to visit bike shops where the report had been printed out and annotated with notes to be actioned by staff.

“In a testament to the research’s ability to help suppliers improve their services to the retailer, for the 2021 instalment we have welcomed on board repeat sponsors and new names alike. I would like to thank Raleigh, Exposure Lights, Cambrian Tyres and Continental, Ison Distribution and Extra UK not only for their support for this research, but for their generous contributions to provide material incentives for shops to participate. More than that, their backing shows a commitment to the retailer to better understand their business and what factors are most likely to create a more cohesive working relationship for the future.”

Over the coming weeks Cycling Industry News’ homepage will detail the incentives on offer, which come as a bonus attached to completion of the survey. Furthermore, the results are delivered in full to participating IBDs and workshops in digital format in January when the survey concludes.

The estimated completion time runs under 15 minutes, with questions largely centred around multiple choice check boxes.

Sutton concludes: “Last year over 240 independent bike stores and workshops kindly gave their precious time, despite the depth of our retail study. This year the research is again capped at 45 questions, though manages to squeeze in detail that will provide further tools to refine both businesses and relationships, as well as provide a foundation on which our editorial team can write trusted content.”

Once more, UK-based independent bike shop and workshop businesses may contribute here.