Final call! Take part and gain from CyclingIndustry.News’ retail market research
There are just 48 hours remaining for participation in CyclingIndustry.News’ fifth annual retail market research effort. To benefit from the findings and automatically be entered into a string of prize draws all you need do is take ten minutes to share your thoughts here. (Once more, the study is open only to UK-based independent bike shops, workshops, mobile mechanics and online outfits.)
The retail study provides bike retail business with a unique opportunity to anonymously provide feedback to suppliers on a range of pressing subjects, benchmark their businesses against others in the market, better understand the overriding trends at retail and, with all the data in hand, provides a tool to develop trade, or motivate staff into the year ahead.
On top of gaining the insight straight to your inbox later in Q1, those taking part will automatically be entered into a series of prize draws, the prizes from which are as follows:
- A two night stay at The Mariners Hotel in Lyme Regis, courtesy of CyclingIndustry.News
- For every 50th participant we have a set of Exposure Boost DB+ and Boost-R ReAKT lights, each set valued at £135
- A pair of Fizik Tempo Artica R5 GTX Winter boots, courtesy of Extra UK
- A Fizik Argo Adaptive saddle, courtesy of Extra UK
- A pair of Pirelli P Zero Race TLR tyres, again courtesy of Extra UK
- £200 credit to spend on any Forme bike with Moore Large
CI.N Editor Mark Sutton says of the incoming research: “Aside from informing the content we at CI.N produce, this annual reporting is viewed by suppliers into the frontline as key feedback that helps shape the supplier to retailer relationship. Now in its fifth year, this research is unique in the marketplace in the broad range of subjects explored; that’s everything from the salary patterns of shops staff, which brands are having success gaining share and in which segments, right through to exploring the shifting patterns of stock and service area allocation on the shop floor. In a marketplace that has its challenges it makes good sense to be informed on the market’s trajectory and where your business sits in the broadening mix of retail businesses. My thanks to everybody who takes the ten minutes required to participate.”
One more, to take part, just head here.