i-Ride B2B relaunches with new functionality
I-ride, the distributor of Orro, Fulcrum and Prologo, among others, has launched a much-improved B2B portal for its trade customers.
Redesigned to be aesthetically cleaner and easier to navigate, accounts are now presented with information spanning past orders, brand price lists, media downloads, users and plenty more.
I-ride’s eCommerce and marketing manager Adam Glew said: “The search is much improved, although we are still making tweaks to this. There is a specific suggestive search based on product title, or SKU, and then if you press enter you go through to a broader search page. As a result, the buying process has been simplified so once set up it should be a case of three or four clicks and you are through.”
The site also features a new service area where customers can open PDF files of technical documents for Fulcrum Wheels, enabling customers to find the part numbers of small or spare parts easily.
“We are still working on a few improvements, but we now have the platform to be able to make the developments and improvements as we need to,” adds Glew.