Paligap announced as UK distributor of Goodyear’s bike revival
Quickly following the announcement that Goodyear will return to the bicycle tyre arena, Paligap has announced that it will handle UK distribution.
David Lane of Paligap said of the deal: “Adding Goodyear to our portfolio is really exciting. Paligap has been in the market for the right tyre brand to fit alongside our selection of premium brands for some time now. Given the heritage and brand equity Goodyear has on a global scale we were excited to see what they had to offer. After some good early discussions and a brand ethos and direction very similar to our own, we knew we had found the right partner. With the full compliment of market leading Stans NoTubes products and hand built performance Fast Forward products, we feel the addition of Goodyear sets Paligap apart in providing the very best in the world of all things round.”
Stock is due to land in the month of May, but the distributor is taking pre-orders now via its B2B. Dealers interested in becoming stockists can make contact via email here.