Wheels for Wellbeing publish updated Guide to Inclusive Cycling
Disabled cycling charity Wheels for Wellbeing has published its updated Guide to Inclusive Cycling. Now in its fourth edition, the charity’s flagship policy document sets out key recommendations for inclusive cycling, many of which have been included in the Department for Transport’s new Cycle Design Guidance (LTN 1/20), published in July 2020.
The government guidance has since led to a step-change which recognizes the fact that cycling design must be truly inclusive, a recognition which is especially important given the increase in cycling infrastructure because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Guide to Inclusive Cycling was first published in 2017. The fourth edition, like the previous editions, features real-life case studies, technical recommendations, and policy suggestions, but now includes links to LTN 1/20 clauses which users can directly reference throughout the document. The refreshed guide has also benefitted from a graphic redesign.
Isabelle Clement, Director of Wheels for Wellbeing, said: “Just over three years since releasing the first ever Guide to Inclusive Cycling, it’s amazing to me that we’re already onto our fourth edition! The reason for this is that the world of cycling has been changing as people take note of and act on our recommendations! In 2019 Trinity College Dublin unveiled the first ever inclusive cycle parking space on the eve of my launching our 2nd edition during Velo City, rendering it immediately out of date. By Christmas 2019 we’d updated the Guide to include this and other new examples of best practice. When in July 2020 Department for Transport published Gear Change and LTN1/20, it was clear we needed to set to work once more and include references to this most inclusive of national cycle guidance in the Guide. For a charity of our size, to see our work having such fast and significant impact on the world around us is an amazing gift and makes all the hard work worthwhile!”
Chris Heaton-Harris, Cycling Minister said: “Choosing more active forms of travel like cycling is better for our health and the environment, and this Government is committed to supporting cycling for everyone – a commitment made clear in the Prime Minister’s Cycling and Walking Plan.
“We will continue to support the delivery of cycle infrastructure which is safe and inclusive for disabled cyclists and pedestrians, and our work with accessibility groups such as Wheels for Wellbeing ensures we’re making use of expert knowledge to inform accurate and inclusive cycle design guidance for all.”