Sunday, 28 April 2024

Working Group steers European Commission on eBike framework

A Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) working group late last month met with a delegation from the European Commission to help shape the future of regulatory framework governing electric bikes.

The industry representatives, as has been outlined many times by various trade bodies, are keen to solidify the electric bike market’s foundations and set the industry back on course for steadily growing the marketplace without potential for regulatory sidetracks that could hinder progress.

As it stands discussions at EU level could have an ongoing impact on the bicycle industry and so the working groups have got together to make proposals aligned to topics on revisions of EU battery and machinery legislation, plus the future EU regulatory classification of eBikes and other personal mobility devices.

As such, CONEBI invited the European Commission DG GROW – the directorate responsible for Industry, Internal Market, Entrepreneurship and SME related policies – to a meeting with the CONEBI Neuberger E-Bike Working Group in Brussels on September 28th. On the agenda, the frameworks surrounding EPAC, Speed-EPAC, Cargo and E-Cargo Bikes were discussed.

The CONEBI E-Bike working group gave a comprehensive presentation about the ongoing developments regarding the announced EU standardization strategy (more info here).

CONEBI also recently participated in a European Commission workshop run under the banner “Technical requirements and road safety of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs)”.

From 2023 a more detailed impact assessment is to be delivered alongside stakeholders, including those from CONEBI’s working group, on the next logical regulatory evolutions for personal mobility devices.

The conversation surrounding the correct frameworks has been running hot over the past few years, with disruptors questioning the current rules and some stepping outside the frameworks entirely.