Monday, 20 January 2025
Electric BikesFeaturedNews

ABS braking integrates in to electric bikes for the first time

Following the trend of integration, the CycleEurope Group has lifted the lid on the first electric bike to fully integrate an ABS braking system.

Featuring on the Crescent Ellie 7-VXL ABS Koppla model, the Blubrake ABS development comes in response to the stat that 58% of accidents involving electric bikes are connected to front braking responses; whether that’s the brake locking or skidding under the rider.

Blubrake is a technology developed in Italy by a company falling under the e-Novia Group umbrella.

CycleEurope’s CEO was bullish on the development, stating that the technology is a real improvement for cyclist safety.

“We spent a long time working on the concept for a smart technology we could apply to city bikes– stressed Jonas Netterström, CEO of Cycleurope – and we are finally able to present a solution capable of delivering a real improvement in quality for safer mobility in the city.”

The Ellie’s ABS system is completely invisible as it is integrated into the frame itself. Dubbed Blubrake ABS, the tech prevents front wheel lock-up and also stops the back wheel lifting off the ground in addition to improving the bike’s overall stability; all vital factors for safe city cycling.

“We are extremely happy to have worked with the Crescent team on developing the Ellie with our ABS,” commented Fabio Todeschini, General Manager of Blubrake. “Our system is an extremely interesting new solution and is proving very successful with e-Bike makers as demonstrated by the launch of the Crescent model”.

It was June of 2017 when CI.N first broke news of Bosch debuting what was considered to be the first workable prototype of an ABS braking system for bicycles and the manufacturer has developed the system further since then. This system, at the time, weighed 800 grams and sat underneath the handlebar in its own box, as opposed to inside the bicycle.