Biria Bikes enters UK with “easy boarding” bikes for elderly and disability cyclists
Spotted at the recent Bike Place Show, Biria Bikes has made an entry to the UK market with a speciality bike offering chain level step over.
Having expanded from its native Germany, last year the brand shifted 10,000 units in the U.S., in part down to the bike’s unique style, but additionally as a result of the ease of use for elderly and disabled cyclists.
Having initially been trialled with the Portsmouth importer, early signs look promising, with 25 units sold in the first two months from just one retail premises.
Importer Kevin Watkins told CI.N: “I’ve sold these bikes to customers with Multiple Sclerosis and discovered that the super low step through makes a big difference. Ultimately Biria’s concept extends the range and ability to ride through ageing and ill health as there’s no danger of accidents when mounting as can be the case when leaning to get aboard traditional bicycles.”
As a result of Watkins’ initial success, Biria’s bikes are soon to feature in Multiple Sclerosis UK’s review magazine, as distributed to 200,000 with the ailment.
The Aluminium-framed bikes are available as a seven-speed or Nexus hub build and an electric-assist model is in the pipeline for the near future. Frames sizes ranging 40, 46 and 50cm are carried for retailers considering stock. A further 24-inch wheeled version for smaller riders is also carried, meaning heights ranging between 4 and 6 foot 3 inches are well covered.
Retailing at £599, Biria’s Easy Boarding bike offers retailers up to a 35% margin.
To enquire about stock call 02392297549.