Monday, 20 January 2025

Erdem Ovacik appointed as VC of CIE’s Bike Share Expert Group

Erdem Ovacik has been appointed as the new Vice Chair of Cycling Industries Europe’s Bike Share Expert Group.

Ovacik, CEO and co-founder of Donkey Republic said: “I’m delighted to step into the role of Vice Chair as bike sharing is playing an increasingly important role in shaping urban mobility in Europe. I’m committed to work towards engaging cities and governments for more active and holistic public policy play to lift the potential of bike sharing and its multiple benefits.”

The last six months have seen a boom in the cycling industry and have seen bike share schemes become extremely popular in urban cities. Bike sharing has several benefits for urban communities such as flexible transit, improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced congestion & noise, health benefits and financial savings for individuals and society.

By sharing with others through a publicly available scheme, people can use bicycles on an “as-needed” basis, without the costs and responsibilities associated with ownership. Bike sharing allow people who may not otherwise use bicycles, to enjoy the benefits of cycling.

Erdem Ovacik was one of a panel of contributors to the latest CI.N Trade Journal discussing the future of share schemes and asking whether bike retailers could stand to benefit, whether through service contracts or sales attributed to new users.