Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Former cycling commissioner Gilligan lays into London’s stalled active travel progress

Former London cycling commissioner Andrew Gilligan has set about keeping tabs on the capital’s progress under his successor Will Norman, today penning a deep critique of progress thus far.

The post starts; “Sadiq inherited from us eight major schemes at an advanced stage of implementation, plus one addition to a scheme already open (CS1). All had been designed and traffic-modelled. All had received the support of substantial majorities in formal public consultations. All should have started building – and in some cases finished – last year.

“At the date of this post, their status is as follows: Complete: 0, Under construction: 1, Not under construction: 8”

Running through the individual projects, Gilligan outlines that current London Mayor Sadiq Khan inherited schemes in “advanced stages” of implementation.

“All had been designed and traffic-modelled. All had received the support of substantial majorities in formal public consultations. All should have started building – and in some cases finished – last year,” says Gilligan.

But delays continue to pile up in London and in some cases full cancellation looms, all despite the vast majority of projects having gained majority support in public consultations.

The former commissioner has remained incredibly focused on cycling’s progress in London since departing the role as former mayor Boris Johnson left office. In December, following a longer than expected recruitment period, he also leaked a shortlist of candidates for the role ahead of Will Norman’s eventual appointment.

To read the full stinging analysis, head here.