Funfest Influencer Summit invites bike industry brands to meet parenting bloggers
An event set for Whittlebury Hall on September 16th is to give bike industry brands the chance to engage with influential parenting bloggers.
The Funfest Influencer Summit, now in its third year, initially focused on toy and nursery brands, but is this year broadening its horizons by inviting cycling trade labels with children’s goods to showcase their wares.
“The influencers of today are as much likely to use YouTube, Twitch and Facebook Live as they are to present their media channels via the written blog, so we’re ensuring that FunFest 2017 will reflect all areas of social journalism,” said Mimram Media Director Lisa Carter.
“At the same time, we’ve widened the brand sectors covered at FunFest. Toys remain important, but FunFest 2017 will also include brands from the worlds of cycling, books, musical instruments, tech and more – in essence, anything that your kids love doing – and that parenting influencers love writing or talking about.”
Further to showcasing product and meeting influential press, Carter outlines that brands are welcomed to host their own seminars.
For more information about the FunFest Influencer Summit 2017, visit
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