Location and skill level ‘most important’ to consumers when choosing a mechanic
A poll undertaken by Cytech at The London Bike Show has shone light on consumer attitudes to how they choose their mechanic.
Quizzing the enthusiast visitors, the survey found the greatest factor in choosing a mechanic was knowing they’re qualified to complete the work at 49%.
Further validating the uptick in mobile mechanics, 42% deemed location to be of primary importance, while 44% added ‘availability’ as a main factor in handing work over.
Cytech further sought to discover how people track down their local mechanic, discovering that 30% would simply visit their local bike shop, with a further 5% suggesting they’d head for a chain store. Internet searches for local skills returned a 13% hit, while a further 17% would seek a friend’s recommendation.
In a refreshing twist, just 36% cited price as a significant driver of their choice.
36% of those who completed the survey said that they didn’t need help and would generally undertake their own service work. That rose to 45% for tasks deemed to be ‘small’. 19% said they would always visit a trained mechanic regardless of the job.
CyclingIndustry.News will soon check in with the UK’s leading training houses to learn more about their offerings, but for the time being, Cytech are offering ACT members a 10% discount on training and can even assist in fully funded apprenticeships.