Take part in CIN’s 2025 Market Data survey + get free bike market data
This year’s Cycling Industry News’ bike market data 2025 survey is now open, so independent bike retailers, workshops, mobile mechanics and online outfits can have their say on the state of the market.
Now in its eighth year, CIN’s annual Cycle Market Data report brings together insights into the industry and takes note of the front line of the cycling industry, the nation’s independent bike shops and workshops. The data, fully anonymised, provides an unvarnished view of the market, with a collective body of shops “telling it like it is” about the sector.
A wealth of responses have already been gratefully received for this latest report, and further independent voices are fully welcome to contribute their own take on the sector.
By way of thanks for taking part, participating retailers will have access to the full report when it is completed in Q1 2024. The data can be used to benchmark their own business against (anonymised) peers, cross check top performing brands and perhaps even be used to help shape the direction of individual businesses for the rest of 2025 and beyond.
Once more, the study is open only to UK-based independent bike shops, workshops, mobile mechanics and online outfits. All data gathered will be, as always, anonymised for the purpose of the report and subsequent articles detailing the market’s progress.
If you have any questions, please email the editor here. The completed Cycling Industry News 2025 Market Data will become available to purchase later in Q1 2024.