Monday, 20 January 2025

Train designed for multi-modal cycle commuters to go live in Japan

This week in Japan a new train design has taken to the rails that actively encourages multi-modal commuting by bike, designing the carriage to host 99 people and their cycles.

Shown on NHK World, the six-car train will officially welcome cyclists on board from January 6th having proven successful in trials. The trains will take full-sized bikes without the need to fold or remove parts. A post is aligned to enable cyclists to lock their bikes in transit.

Connecting Tokyo with Ryogoku and a handful of coastal towns, the debut region chosen by East Japan Railway Co is a popular destination for cyclists, but also a commuter artery.

Those using the service will need to book seats at least five days in advance, meaning it’s not yet a roll on roll off service. Fares start at ¥6,500, according to the train operator.

Stations along the route have invested heavily in making multi-modal a reality, with cycle parking provision coming in tandem with the new carriage design.

Image: JR EAST