Tuesday, 21 January 2025

British Cycling urges businesses and local authorities to sign #ChooseCycling Charter

Following a deep consultation with its 20,000 members, British Cycling has today launched the #choosecycling charter – a three point manifesto for transforming Britain into a cycling nation.

In going live today, British Cycling has begun rallying local authorities and big business to sign up to a call for strong political leadership, smart investment – working towards 5% of public sector transport spend – and a programme to deliver networks of cycling infrastructure, built to agreed standards.

A number of Britain’s largest employers representing over half a million employees have already signed up, says the organisation, with bosses believing more cycling to be a positive for workforce wellbeing.

Major of London Sadiq Khan said: “I want to make London a by-word for cycling around the world, and improve London’s cycling infrastructure so every Londoner feels it’s safe and easy to cycle in London.

“Promoting more cycling benefits all Londoners, including helping clean up London’s toxic air pollution, and improving our health. British Cycling continue to do a brilliant and important job promoting cycling across the UK.”

British Cycling’s campaign manager, Martin Key, said: “In recent years, we have undoubtedly made great strides in turning Britain into a true cycling nation. However, millions of Brits still don’t consider cycling to be a viable transport option for them or their children, thanks in part to the fact that our towns and cities do not accommodate cycling.

“Given how cycling can help alleviate so many societal problems – the obesity crisis and a rise in conditions such as type 2 diabetes, traffic congestion, air pollution – this is unacceptable. Put simply, our current transport structure is failing our citizens.

“This can change, though. We are giving local authorities the chance to sign up to this charter and deliver on measures which will lead to healthier and more prosperous communities. There are no logical arguments against these aims.”

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