Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Electric bike sales expected to more than double by 2025, says CONEBI

Upon the release of fresh market data, CONEBI has suggested that electric bike sales look set to more than double in the next five years.

Release today, the report reveals that the European bike market’s value continues its e-Bike induced value growth, but that volume of sales has plateaued at around 20 million units sold.

Reflecting on 2019 data sourced through member states’ national organisations, CONEBI revealed that the overall sales value rose largely thanks to a 23% growth in electric bike sales over the prior year’s tally. As suggested it might last week, over 3 million electric bikes were sold for the first time, making up 17% of all bicycle sales.

Plotting the future trajectory of an e-Bike market that has continued outperforming the wider market for many years, CONEBI now expects e-Bike sales to more than double by 2025, reaching an estimated 6.5 million units sold.

CONEBI President Erhard Büchel said of the report’s availability: “2019 has been a positive year for the EU Bicycle Industry thanks to the continuous boom of e-bikes as well as the increasing production of bicycle parts and accessories in Europe. CONEBI is in regular contact with the European institutions to represent the Bicycle, E-Bike, Parts and Accessories industries as a leading ecosystem in the EU Green economy and major contributor to the ultimate objectives of the EU Green Deal.’’

Manuel Marsilio, General Manager of CONEBI, states: ‘’The pedal assist e-bike market will continue to thrive if the three pivotal conditions below are going to be met in the years to come:

  1.  The current favorable status of EPACs (Electrically Power Assisted Cycles up to 25km/h of max assistance and 250W), which at the moment are excluded from the EU Type Approval regulation (meaning no type approval but also no mandatory motor vehicle insurance, no mandatory motorcycle helmet, no driving license and free circulation as a bicycle) remains in place;
  2. The positive momentum for Cycling in the EU continues as a response to COVID-19 and more cycling infrastructures are built to give space and safety to the growing number of people riding a bike;
  3. Intelligent Transport Systems are developed within the right EU legislative and technical frameworks in order for cars and buses to detect both bicycles and e-bikes and thus making Cycling Safer.’’

Production ticks upwards

Following on from a minor increase in e-Bike production between 2017 and 2018, European production has grown strongly into 2019, with an 11% increase realised.

Electric bike sales have prompted many manufacturers to invest in their production and assembly, with some bringing operations closer to home.

Such investments have driven a increase in job creation, with over 60,000 directly attributed to bike businesses and a further 60,000 indirect roles created as a result down the line. This, says CONEBI, is a 14.4% growth over 2018 data and 32% on 2017.

Production of electric bikes in Europe is said to have grown by as much as 60% between 2018 and 2019.

With parts and accessories production accounted for a total value of €2 billion is attributed.

Made available to its members, CONEBI‘s 2020 Bicycle Industry and Market Profile carries an array of data tracking where sales are being made, production volumes, jobs attached to the bicycle business and plenty more.

Those seeking data specifically on the UK bike market can purchase CyclingIndustry.News’ own Retail Channel Study, drawing on the feedback of over 240 independent businesses, by emailing us here.