CI.N Seminars: Jon Iriberri discusses the science of saddle fitting
Didn’t manage to make The Bike Place show or CyclingIndustry.News’ Seminar Series? Over the next week we will be republishing each talk, starting this morning with pro tour bike fitter Jon Iriberri discussing the evolution of saddle technology and pairing your customer to the right perch first time.
Building upon his earlier article on the industry’s tendency to provide a simple answer to an often complex problem, Iriberri spends 22 minutes dispelling myths about holes in the centres of saddles, discussing pressure mapping methods and outlining the complexities of fitting a saddle outside of normal riding conditions.
Concluding the talk, Iriberri outlines that there are two schools of thought when it comes to retailing saddles:
“There is an easy and fast solution and one based on knowledge. One solution is an inexpensive and easy method that may be hit and miss. The other is to sell based on knowledge and to know why you are recommending the choice you have settled on based on your professional knowledge. If I want to increase my credibility, I must choose the latter and invest time and money to know how and why saddles work as they work. This gives value to your business and to your staff’s professional advice.”
Jon’s talk in full is found at the base of this article, while his earlier CI.N article can be read in full here.
Seminars to follow include:
- Bike industry sales trainer Colin Rees’ discussion on adapting to changing consumer buying behaviours and training staff to counter the internet shopper’s arrival.
- Mark O’Dolan of High Street Mentor’s incredible discussion on in-store eyelines, merchandising and steadily improving bottom lines by improving profit per square foot.
- GFK’s Paul Mitchell’s discussion on the data specialist’s work to build an accurate picture of the value of the cycling market from the bike retailer’s till upwards.
- Dr. Tom Korff of Frog Bikes delivering an insighful talk on why children’s bikes should not be modelled on adult builds
- David Hemming’s introduction to some of the products and technologies deployed into X-Bionic’s technical apparel.
- Justin Dueck from Kali Protectives delivering a discussion on the technologies now found within high-end helmets and how each is fighting to reduce the instance of concussions and CTE. Studies have shown CTE to be more common in athletes than first thought.
CI.N will soon film a further segment with cycling economist and Cyconomist John Styles giving deep insight into what ageing demographics may mean for each segment of the cycling business.
If you’d like a sneak peak of the up-coming seminars, head over to CyclingIndustry.News Facebook page and hit follow.