Europe signs “historic milestone” Declaration on Cycling
We’ve known it was coming, but as of this week the European Declaration on Cycling has been signed in Brussels, previously labelled the “most ambitious initiative on cycling to date“.
The interinstitutional European Declaration on Cycling recognises cycling as a strategic priority and acknowledges its power to generate enormous benefits for Europe.
Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), established five years ago with the aim of promoting cycling within the EU, saw its President Tony Grimaldi participate in the signing ceremony and give a keynote at the Transport Ministers’ meeting. By joining 27 European Transport Ministers at an informal council meeting, CIE said it saw this “high-level gathering as a big step forward for growing cycling and developing a world-class European cycling industry”.
During his keynote speech, Grimaldi emphasised the transformative potential of cycling, urging Member States to take the opportunity for positive change now. He highlighted the benefits of embracing cycling, not only for mobility but also for job creation, economic growth, and the promotion of local industries. Grimaldi presented the economic potential of the cycling industry, projecting over 1 million new jobs in the EU by 2030. He stated that investing in cycling infrastructure not only benefits the environment but also contributes to economic prosperity in member countries: “When you develop new cycling infrastructure, you create new markets.”
Additionally, Grimaldi underlined that everyone should have affordable access to bikes and stressed the importance of aligning investments with business commitments to bolster local economies. He asked for long-term regulatory certainty and a collaborative partnership between governments and the cycling industry to realise the goals of the EU Declaration on Cycling.
He said: “There is no reason to wait to grow cycling in Europe. It is a win-win – mobility transition, job creation, economic growth, promotion of local companies – all available now, all affordable now. Let’s develop a world-class European cycling industry and give boost to European leadership!”
This week’s signing builds on the European Parliament’s Resolution on Cycling, adopted by overwhelming majority in February 2023, and marks a final approval of the European Declaration on Cycling draft put forward by the European Commission in October 2023. CIE with its partner associations European Cyclists’ Federation and CONEBI have been advocating and working together to make this a reality.
With EU elections coming up in June 2024, Cycling Industries Europe is calling for the new EU to make sure that the 36 commitments set in the Declaration will be turned into action. CIE’s EU Manifesto calls for the next European Commission to include cycling in all policies, measures and funding: “Fulfilling the potential of cycling will help achieve EU mobility, climate, environmental, public health, economic, industrial, and social objectives. Cycling is the solution to some of the most pressing challenges Europe is facing today from providing zero carbon mobility to our cities and developing world-class European cycling industry to bringing much needed green jobs (2 million jobs by 2030) and economic growth.”