Global ransomware attack has ripple effect on the bicycle trade’s logistics
The widely reported ransomware attack, believed to have started in Ukraine and now hitting countries around the globe is having knock on effects for the bicycle business, CyclingIndustry.News has learned.
FedEx-owned logistics business TNT is among those brought to a digital standstill by the attack and, in the UK at least, the business is said to have reverted back to hand written delivery notes.
One retailer we spoke to today told us: “They seemed to have been hacked on Tuesday night and we’ve had one helmet through since during what is typically one of our busiest delivery periods. Phones, email, tracking, none of it works at present. It’s causing us a headache as we can’t get the spares required to service the workshop.”
TNT is also one of the only carriers in the UK who will handle electric bike batteries, among other more hazardous items, meaning that for the time being electric bike businesses are unlikely to be operating a full service.
Are you affected by the knock on effect of the ransomware attacks? Let us know your story here.