Thursday, 23 January 2025

League of American Bicyclists ranks 50 states in order of cycle friendliness

The League of American Bicyclists has once again compiled data and survey feedback to track the progress of cycling in the USA’s 50 states.

Charting progress made since the 2015 report, the criteria used to judge whether or not a state can lay claim to being cycle friendly are; infrastructure and funding; education and encouragement; legislation and enforcement; policies and programs and evaluation and planning.

So, who comes out on top?

Washington, Minnesota, California, Massachusetts and Oregon scoop top honours, which loosely mirrors past rankings with the exception of California which has climbed well in recent years.

The very bottom of the pile is generally made up of central American states, with Nebraska, North Dakota, Kansas and Oklahomo all featuring, with Hawaii the other notable state lacking support for cycling.

Aside from the overall chart, each state is given an individual scorecard report, offering city planners an insight into where they are performing well, or going wrong.

To view the 2017 scorecard in full, head here.