Gone Biking Mad secures Cycle Star lubrication distribution
Gone Biking Mad has signed the UK distribution rights to Cycle Star Lube.
Described by GBA’s Mark Hudson as “a very special chain lube”, Cycle Star Bicycle Chain and Drivetrain Lubricant is a described as a “blended combination of the most advanced, laser-produced nano and micro carbon particles to date.”
Such high specificity, claims Hudson, gives the lube the same watt-saving qualities as today’s nano-optimized chains, but is also user-applicable and “lasts twice as long”. Hudson says a rider can achieve 750-1,000+ miles in dry and 500+ miles in wet conditions, per application, with 75-90 uses in one bottle.
Carried in a lightweight, synthetic oil, the mixture of hard nano and soft microparticles is 100% non toxic and contains no wax, teflon or other chemical additives.
Bottles retail for £19.99 for 15ml (35 to 45 uses) and £34.99 for 30ml.
Trade inquiries can be made via [email protected], or on 07789 118728.