Saturday, 15 February 2025
Electric BikesFeaturedNews

EU e-Bike production up 100% in one year

According to Moreno Fioravanti, President of the European Association of Cycle Manufacturers (EBMA) the production of e-Bikes in the European Union (EU) has increased by 100% in one year, eBikeGeneration reports.

Fioravanti also predicted a further increase in production over the next five years.

The announcement comes a little over a year since anti-dumping measures were brought in to curtail the import of electric bikes from China into the EU, the resolving of a case which had long caused contention on both sides of the argument.

European electric bike importers gathered as part of a collective voice to counter the case, supported by the Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA-EU), with the likes of Bafang and others lending their voices to the plight.

According to the EBMA, European production of e-Bikes, which was between 1.3-1.4 million units in 2017, has now increased to between 2.3-2.4 million in 2019. Fioravanti predicted production could reach as high seven or eight million per year, over the next five years.

According to the statistics, imports dropped by a huge 91% in the first six months of 2019 when compared against the year prior. 800,000 units from China landed in 2018 as a whole, but in H1 2019 the tally only reached 54,643 units shipped.

The EBMA also cited an increase in job opportunities and environmental benefits resulting from increased European e-Bike production, stating if all annual sales of e-Bikes in the EU (20 million units per year) were imported from China, it would produce two million more tonnes of CO2 emissions.

And its not just European e-Bike manufacturers which are seeing positive results from the imposed anti-dumping duties, with Taiwanese importers also benefiting.