Thursday, 13 February 2025

Final call: Take part in CI.N’s annual market study, chances to win goods

This week marks the final rallying call to collect responses to CI.N’s fourth annual Independent Retail Study, which UK-based indie bike shops and workshops can participate in here.

Thus far over 200 businesses have kindly taken time to contribute to our understanding of the market’s movements during what has been an unprecedented time for the bike trade, but with greater numbers comes an even deeper understanding of market movements at a turbulent time.

Last year your input helped suppliers understand just how important to shops a reduction in packaging was to stores, where the sweet spots for margin requirements sit and further helped sales reps understand where stores are willing to invest, but more importantly areas that need drastic improvement if stock is to be carried.

Courtesy of our sponsors, the incentives to take part are once again strong:

What’s more, shops who take part will receive the report in full later in January, handing over a tool with which to benchmark your business and understand the wider trends in the market around you.

The competition and study is limited to UK-based independent bike shops, workshops and mobile mechanics. Once more, to take part head here.