Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Like our work? Fine tune how you receive CI.N updates

It’s now unlikely that you’ve not read at least something on the looming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline, which comes into play from the 25th of this month.

CyclingIndustry.News has done what we can to keep those using email data up to speed with developments, recruiting expert columnists on the issue and driving home the message that this stands to affect the vast majority of us in the business world; and that includes us here at CI.N.

If you take value from the news, research and analysis that our team (including the global team of industry writers we’ve recruited) produce each day, then we’d love to keep in touch via our bi-weekly digests.

If you already receive these emails, then you’ll be able to quickly update your preferences at the base of each email you receive. This will enable you to fine tune exactly the kind of content hitting your inbox, whether it’s job alerts, news or promotions from our generous industry partners.

You can also jump in and enter your preferences in under 60 seconds here.

Alternatively, there are other means to stay in touch.

More of a social media connoisseur? Here our our regularly updated platforms:

Facebook – daily updates of news, trade opinion, market data and analysis
Cycling Industry Chat – Our trade-locked Facebook forum for discussion away from the public eye
Twitter – @cyclingindustry (our main page) @marksuttonbike (the editor) @cinloganvdp (sales and recruitment)
LinkedIn – daily news and recruitment updates
Instagram – The less serious side of our work

Each social platform operates differently, so to be sure you see our updates head to each page and check the ‘see first’ option.

We thank you for the time taken to help us improve our communications.